

From painting to the digital arts, the exhibition examines the place and processing of images in contemporary societies, through the work of 15 artists, from Samuel Bianchini to Du Zhenjun, from Philippe Cognée to Miguel Chevalier.

curator: Florence Guionneau-Joie, scenography: Sylvain Roca, graphism: Marie Monot


photos: Sylvain Roca

  • Opening: January 2017
  • Location: Maïf Social Club
  • Area: 180m2
  • Production: Community pour Maïf Social Club
  • Image 1
  • Image 2
  • Image 3
  • Image 4
  • Image 5
  • Image 6
  • Image 7
  • Image 8
  • Image 9
  • Image 10
  • Image 11
  • Image 12
  • Image 13