Eternal Sites, From Bamiyan to Palmyra, a Journey to the Heart of the World Heritage sites
The exhibition’s distinctive features consists in operating on two quite inseparable and complementary levels: purposely didactic and deeply engaging, in order to alert the public to the reality and the fragility of the World Heritage sites. It is as much about providing simple clues to knowing and understanding the Word Heritage and the sites displayed in terms of setup and history as it is about compelling emotion. It is an opportunity to immerse oneself deeply into the spectacular beauty of these remote places – serene, timeless and yet partly destroyed by recent history.
Exposition organisée par la Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais et le Musée du Louvre, en collaboration avec Iconem, et sous le haut patronnage de l'UNESCO
curators: Jean-Luc Martinez, Marielle Pic, Yannick Lintz, scenography: Atelier Sylvain Roca, film-maker: Olivier Brunet, composer: Olivier Lafuma, graphism: Dépli Design Studio, light : Gelatic, audio-visual engineering: Artisans d'Idées
photos: Sylvain Roca
- Opening: December 2016
- Location: Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris
- Area: 650 m2
- Production: Réunion des Musées Nationaux Grand Palais - Établissement Public du Musée du Louvre